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Chinese translation for "molecular clock"


Related Translations:
molecular speed:  分子速率分子运动速度
molecular retraction:  分子回缩
molecular fluorescence:  分子荧光
molecular impact:  分子碰撞
molecular number:  分子内原子序数和分子数分子序数原子序数和
molecular alleles:  分子等位基因
molecular reflection:  分子反射
molecular seal:  分子筛密封
molecular biotechnology:  分子生物技术
molecular maser:  分子微波激射
Example Sentences:
1.In particular , they used a molecular clock rate derived from invertebrates , which is slower than the one based on vertebrates
2.Scientists can use this tendency to derive a kind of molecular clock from the nucleotide changes in pseudogenes and use it to study the overall dynamics and evolution of the genome
3.Follow - up studies using the molecular clock produced estimates for this split that varied significantly , ranging from as old as one billion years ago to as young as just before the cambrian period
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